Invite friends and earn a free Baby Towel!

Simply share your unique link with friends via email, Facebook and/or Whatsapp and save for a free Baby Towel. It’s as easy as that! 🌊


Here’s how it works:

🍀 Sign up for updates on our Baby Towel and receive 10% discount (can be used on any product right away)
🍀 Build up your discount; earn 5% extra discount per added friend


Your discount:

25% 50% 75% 100%

Your discount:

25% 50% 75% 100%

How to collect your discount

After signing up, you can spend your save up discount on one product (up to 100%) whenever you want. Simply navigate to your personal discount page by logging in. Here, with one click, you can convert your discount to a voucher that you can fill in during the checkout process. Add enough friends and/or family and get a Palais de l’eau product for free!